Rheinischer Verein of Chicago

United Donauschwaben Of Milwaukee

Danube Cultural Society

Muller Fasching Verein

Blaskapelle Milwaukee
St Louis - Stuttgart Sister Cities

Blauen Funken Edmonton K.G.

Blauen Funken Edmonton K.G.
Germania Cincinnati
DANK Milwaukee
German Fest
Bavarian Soccer Club
Rheinischer Verein of Chicago
Spielmannszug Milwaukee

Blaskapelle Milwaukee

Concordia Club
United Donauschwaben of Milwaukee
Mullers of Milwaukee

1.K.G. Germania  Cincinnati

St. Louis- Stuttgart Sister Cities

The German heritage spans far and wide. Join us and our many friends from around the country, and world! If you'd like your club or organization added to this page, contact Curt or Sonja Bauer.

DANK Milwaukee

Spielmannszug Milwaukee

Danube Cultural Society

Friends of the Club

Rheinischer Verein of Milwaukee